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Over the past several months we’ve been working on a project we’re really excited about — the new nonprofit branch of Girlology, an organization aimed at helping parents talk to their kids about puberty and sex education. We work with a wide range of clients, but many of them work within B2B or niche markets. This organization caters to children and their parents, and so we had the opportunity to think outside of the box and really flex our creative muscles.


Girlology came to us after starting a nonprofit, a spin-off of their for-profit organization that’s existed since 2003. Girlology works to change the culture of sexuality education by leading health-focused and timely conversations about sexual development and health. They take a lighthearted yet medically accurate look at puberty, normalizing these developments, educating children on how to interpret these changes, and equipping parents to have continuing conversations with their kids.
This new nonprofit branch of their organization is meant to reach underserved communities that traditionally haven’t had access to quality sexuality education programs.


  1. Help expand Girlology’s mission by bringing comprehensive sex education to underserved populations throughout the United States

Calls to Action:

  1. Register for a class
  2. Encourage attendees to donate, convince doctors to become Girlologists, and get organizations to sponsor them

What Sets Girlology Apart:

Girlology’s for-profit website, which we used as inspiration for the new website.

The founders of Girlology understand that conversations about sexual development can be awkward, and that there’s a lot of misinformation out there. They also know that low income and minority girls experience a disproportionate rate of negative sexual and reproductive health outcomes. Rather than exacerbate those problems they take a humorous and fun approach to educating children about the changes they’re going through, all while ensuring it’s 100% medically accurate. On top of that they require that parents are involved in this education, ensuring that those closest to these kids can continue to help them grow and have healthy relationships with their bodies and other youth.

Design & Strategy Highlights:

  • Competing Calls to Action – There’s a lot you can do to become involved with Girlology. Whether you’re a parent who simply wants to help educate their kids, a donor who would like to help these programs reach underserved kids, a doctor who wants to bring these classes to their city, or an organization that wants to help Girlology expand their mission, there’s no shortage of options.We had to ensure the focus of the website remained on the kids — helping them understand and accept their bodies while building healthy relationships with others — while still calling attention to these other important opportunities.
  • Lighthearted and Educational – Sexual development is a touchy subject and no parent wants their kids to have an unhealthy or confusing understanding of it. Girlology does an incredible job of having a humorous and lighthearted tone while still ensuring all of the information they provide is accurate and helpful.Through both the copy and design we worked to make sure this approach was apparent, making parents and children feel comfortable with the organization and encouraged to reach out.
  • Functionality is Key – A big part of the website is ticket registration: having the ability to buy tickets to a class in a variety of cities and states. We had to integrate WooCommerce with Tickera to ensure that ticket purchasing was easy and intuitive, while also giving Girlology the information they need to gauge the success of their programs and continue to grow.

Girlology’s new nonprofit website.

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