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Your website is the hub of all of your marketing. 

A good website is the hub of all of your marketing (and many of your daily operations too like HR and payment processing).

Ten years ago, I was speaking to a group of business leaders and told them that their website is the hub of all of their marketing. A decade later, that statement is more true than ever. No matter what marketing you are doing–whether it be word of mouth, advertising, or referrals–a website is the hub of your marketing machine and a critical component of getting your customers to your door (virtual or brick and mortar).

Think that’s an over-exaggeration? Take a look at several recent studies. Over three-fourths (76%) of consumers look at a business’ website before physically visiting a store. Moreover, consumers will evaluate whether or not to do business with you based on your website in only 50 milliseconds. 

A good-looking website is crucial to your business’s success in 2023.  

Your website is your company’s first impression on a digital user. It is, effectively, your brick-and-mortar online and should represent your company accurately to potential clients.

Having great web design is crucial. It is the first place people look for you in this day and age. Beyond that, however, your website must be attractive, welcoming, and navigable. Not to you, but to your audience. One of the top mistakes we see businesses make is not orienting their website to their customers and instead orienting it to themselves. This does nothing to build your brand, other than making your C-suite feel really good about your website.

Do we have bias? Sure. We’re a website company that builds websites for hundreds of businesses. But the statistics don’t lie about why professional website builders are an important resource for your business:

  • 70% of small businesses don’t have a call-to-action (CTA) on their website homepage. Without a call to action, how do you expect your customers to take an action toward buying from you?
  • Website users spend 5.94 seconds looking at the main website image. Is your homepage image & text digestible in less than 6 seconds?
  • 89% of consumers went to a competitor’s website due to a bad experience on the first company’s website they visited.

Your users will be looking online now more than ever. 

The world is going digital, and so are your users.

Not only is having a website vital to be competitive in 2023, but having a solid website with strong user-experience focused design is imperative. Does your business want to do business? Do you want more business? Or do you want to send business to your competitor?

Regardless of how you market–whether it be word of mouth, billboards, radio, TV, Google Ads, or any other form of advertising–a website is the #1 place your customers will look to find you. If you’re not there, you can bet your competitors are–and they will be happy to take your customers.

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