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It’s been decided! Your company is finally researching costs for a new website, narrowing down which design firm you want to use, and thinking about the kinds of content you’ll be able to include once you have a technologically up-to-date site. Everyone is pumped — a new website is exciting and you can’t wait to see the final product.

During this phase of research, however, some forward-thinking colleagues have asked questions that too often get overlooked. “What happens after it’s built? Who will manage my website and take care of any technical issues that arise? What if we want to add or remove content? Do we do that ourselves, and if so, which one of us is in charge of that? Will the web designer handle maintenance and updates for us? How much is that going to cost us?”

Excellent questions, forward-thinking colleagues! Back in March, we wrote about the primary areas you should keep your eyes on after launching a new site. For your website to be an effective sales tool for your company, it has to stay secure, relevant, and helpful to your audience.

Because Engenius is committed to the success of our clients, we address those forward-thinking questions during the sales process.

We want you to be excited about and committed to a digital marketing plan so, from the very beginning, we discuss the best ways your team and ours can work together to create a successful partnership.


maintenance is critical to manage my website
The first thing to know is that we take the security and performance of your website very seriously. Every Engenius client has a support plan which includes domain and web hosting and also ongoing maintenance and technical support for all the bits and bytes that make your website work.

From monthly plugin updates to quarterly theme updates to up-time monitoring — we are not only keeping our eyes on things, but we are proactively making sure your website is in the best environment possible.


Another part of our approach is to empower your team to make content changes to the website. Whether this is creating blog posts, adding new employees to the staff page, or swapping out photos to keep the homepage fresh, you’ll be trained on how to make these updates.

Different companies have different needs in this area, so it’s important for you to decide who on your team will be responsible for this. Our training sessions are individualized to address the specific areas you will need to understand in order to update your site. Our training sessions also come with documentation and a recording so that you can refer back to your training session whenever you need a refresher.


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After training, however, we don’t just leave you to fend for yourselves. When we first started in 2008, one of the biggest complaints we heard from small businesses about their website was that they didn’t receive ongoing support. No one replied to their emails or answered their phone calls.

We decided way back then to focus on being responsive and having excellent customer service. We knew then that our customer support would need to become the differentiator between us and other web firms. We know we’re biased, but since 2012 we’ve seen the hard work that goes into developing our support system, and we feel confident saying Engenius has the best support around.

When would you need to put us to the test and contact support?

  • If you have a question or need a reminder on how to do something so you can make an update yourself, contact support.
  • If you tried to make an edit and it didn’t go quite as planned, contact support.
  • If something looks funny or isn’t behaving as it once did, contact support.
  • If you have an exciting new idea for the site but you’re not sure how to make it happen, contact support.

If you send a support request through our ticketing system or via email, we will respond within four business hours. We strive to solve the ticket within one business day.

Content Updates and Bigger Projects

Sometimes you just can’t make the changes to the site you need to make. You’re perfectly capable. You’re just busy.

We can help.

All of our Service Plans come with some built-in time (typically 2-6 hours a year) for you to turn over a task for us to handle for you. This could be anything — from adding or removing content or even whole pages, to implementing a completely new feature on your site.

For larger tasks, like overhauling multiple pages on the site, we will write up a proposal and get your approval first. If you have support hours left in your Service Plan, we will use those first before billing. We want to help you continue to grow your site, so we make service to our clients a priority.

Other Services

I haven’t even mentioned the load of other services we provide like monthly reports, consultation services, search engine optimization and ads, social media ads, blog writing, and more.

Your site is the hub of all your marketing, but websites work best when they are part of a digital marketing strategy. We believe that. We’ve seen that. So, after the site launches, we want to be the ones to help you reach those marketing goals.

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Interested in learning more about how we can help manage your website?

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Performance Max New Website Form

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